My job is to assure that your potential is fulfilled.
(On Sindell’s methodology as published in his book The Genius Machine)
“Gerald Sindell weaves his experience into an essential guide for creating ideas with impact. What better gift for today’s troubled world than this compelling method for finding smarter solutions and getting them working.”

What is the profile of a Thought Leaders Intl. client?
Passion, intellect, and optimism. Passion for learning and sharing knowledge. A restless, and searching intellect. A belief in the idea that progress is necessary and possible.
How to begin?
‘Calling Gerald Sindell was the single best call I ever made.’
Jeffrey Fox, Harvard Business School alumnus. Now bestselling author of How to Become CEO, How to Become a Rainmaker and many others.
“Gerald is a mentor extraordinaire, not only seeking the “what” but the “why” of the book projects he “doctors.” A deep thinker by nature, he continually challenged me to distill my ideas down to their most salient kernels. He helped me find my voice. With generosity, optimism, and humor, Gerald offered broad knowledge and expertise to bring my vision for architecture to the world. How Architecture Tells is not just another architecture book: thanks to Gerald, it is a guide to how designed space shapes our lives.”
“Gerry’s mentorship, insight, and intellectual provocation were a critical part of my life and book process for over a year. Having just had my five year Columbia undergraduate reunion, I feel I am close enough to the undergrad experience to say with confidence Gerry would be an inspired resource for any aspiring author.
“He is also tremendously committed to the arts, learning, and innovation. What I’ve loved about Gerry is that he mixes an intense curiosity with intellectual rigor. His vast experience with writing and communicating across generations and cultures have challenged me to be a more lively, dynamic thinker.
“Gerry has that glint in his eye. He’s got what my friends call ‘the sauce.’ He’s got a young man’s curiosity with an older man’s experience plus the eloquence to share both with the people around them in a way they are able to receive.”
“I have sometimes wished that I were provost or president of a major college or university. In this reverie, one of my first actions would be to bring Gerald on-board to help turn brilliant faculty work—the riveting things taking place at the intersection of teaching and research—to an audience far broader than almost any academic can envision. Gerald can help unleash the large potential “messages” of faculty, staff, and students for a wider audience.”

Mitch Kotula, Managing Director, Change Management Education, Accenture

“Gerald Sindell’s straightforward process and his clear thinking will make a genius of you.”
Chris Barr, Senior Editorial Director, Yahoo!

Dr. Jim Taylor